Announcing Public Availability of Project DoveEye v4
Jan 24, 2023
After months of debugging and testing, Project DoveEye version 4.0 has officially reached the Microsoft Store. Featuring a redesigned user interface, new features for all types of photographers, and significantly improved algorithms, DoveEye 4.0 will substantially accelerate your image culling workflow.
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Major Updates Planned
June 10, 2022
Major updates to DoveEye are in development for release in July or August.
Updates include:
Completely redesigned user interface, from the ground up - to dramatically improve usability and intuitiveness.
This was the most common (and very valid) criticism from DoveEye v3.3.
A redesigned, multi-stage user interface will be much more intuitive, and include important information like EXIF data, easy-to-read analysis results, and more.
AI-powered algorithms to enable significantly better sharpness evaluation accuracy and group detection accuracy. (Human input requirements will be significantly reduced)
Features specific to bird photographers (more class-specific features planned in future updates).
New culling user interface with better culling strategies.
Image Pop-out View.
Improved performance.
Still Free, forever.
This means faster, more intuitive AI-powered culling of your photos, for free. These updates will collectively be released in DoveEye 4.0 Beta.
DoveEye v3.3 Released
March 29, 2022
DoveEye v3.3.23 has been published to the Microsoft Store. After months of bug fixing and performance improvements, the first major update to DoveEye has been released. You can download the update from the Microsoft Store today.
DoveEye should now be significantly easier to use. New Scroll wheel behavior has improved the speed of navigation. New double-click functionality makes it easy to toggle any specific image between "Low Quality" and "High Quality".
New performance updates should enable DoveEye to use your system's full resources when performing its DoveVision analysis. This should see improved performance by up to a 70% reduction in time (depending on hardware capabilities).
DoveEye was made possible by Accord.NET and ImageMagick, two excellent open-source image analysis libraries.
To report a bug, please send an email to Thank you.